It's no secret that nowadays many companies sell their services and products over the Internet. However, many sites, instead of crushing sales, have to crash due to ridiculous mistakes. We have compiled a list of the 10 most common mistakes that ruin your website's sales.

Site error # 1. Non-selling master pages

There is a theory that a web page has exactly 5 seconds to get a person interested in staying on it. Often times, trading companies on their home pages use something like “Hello, you've come to our company's website. Thank you, we are very happy ”, information about the company's activities, how many years it has been operating, who has been working, and everything in that vein. This is all great, of course, but there is no information that could interest the client to stay on the site. What to do in such a situation?Here the sister of talent, brevity, will help you! Come up with a good headline, describe your offer in a beautiful and accessible way, post your customers' reviews and don't forget about guarantees.

Site error # 2. News from the last century

Your website should contain only up-to-date information. All news, prices, promotions, special offers must be timely. If it is not possible to keep a certain section of the site constantly, then it is better to remove it altogether. Outdated information will make your client doubt the choice of your particular company.

Site error # 3. Rebus for visitors

Many sites, for some unknown reason, make life difficult for visitors to their site. Most likely, they want to test the strength of their customers, whether they really want to buy their product, forcing them to make a bunch of clicks, open new tabs, download documents for review, for example, with a price list. Not necessary! Provide a simple and convenient site with simple navigation and, most importantly, do not forget about the search.

Site error # 4. Lack of contacts

Good images, correct product description, high-quality content, reviews of your customers (example of a web studio reviews page), design - all this contributes to the sales of your company. But the most important on this list will be contacts. The phone number on the website must be placed in a prominent place on absolutely every page. We advise you to highlight it in bold.

Site error # 5. Lack of information about your audience

If you do not know your history, then you are unlikely to be successful. Try to think about how they search for your products and services. Look at the statistics of search queries and, based on it, write keywords on your site.

Site error # 6. The site is not optimized for search engines

Having information about what and how people are looking in search engines, you must ensure that your site is in the first positions. This is a very important point, because about 85% of visitors come from there, from search engines. The main ones are Google, Yandex.

Site error # 7. Clear plans and goals

You must think carefully about the strategy for the development of your site. Think about the profit you want to receive in six months. Think about your plans for the volume of sales, attracting visitors. Set goals and achieve them!

Site error # 8. Using only one-step systems

Statistics show that online sales take 3-7 touches, instant sales “here and now” are extremely difficult. Do you practice a two-step selling system?

Site error # 9. Lack of a system for collecting information and contacts about your customers

For active sales, you need a customer base with which you can interact. The customer base is a key link in the chain of your business, it is your profit and your financial flows.

Site error # 10. Lack of customer support systems after purchasing a product or service

Do you know what happens to your customer after they purchase your product or service? What are the pros or cons of your company he found? Are you wondering why your customers should not go to competitors? What is his opinion of your company?