There are a number of misconceptions that prevent you from successfully launching a web resource on the Internet so that it works for you.

The very first and foremost - if expensive, then good. However, this is far from reality. Not always a site developed by "professionals", for whose work you have unfastened a rather large sum, will perform the tasks that you entrust to the web resource. In addition, there are several other factors.


the site should start with the design. Undoubtedly, the appearance of the pages, as well as the entire resource, is important, but this is not the first step. Starting work with the creation of design layouts, you can forget about the main goal, accidentally carried away by the game of the designer. Because at this stage, you begin to dictate to designers: what, where and how to insert, thereby creating everything “for yourself” and forgetting about the elementary rules of usability. It is important to remember - you create a website for clients! That is why any work should begin with setting goals and objectives. And after that - based on this, the target audience is determined and the design is created.


the mobile version is not needed, they still don’t come to me from phones. Today, even a child goes online using a smartphone. However, even this fact does not convince customers that a mobile version of the site is still needed. And in the end it turns out that a potential buyer who is already ready to unbuckle any amount for the service he needs, getting to the site from the phone, cannot find anything - the result: he goes to your competitors, who have foreseen this direction as well. Do not forget about this when filling out the TOR for website development in the column: "Do I need a mobile version?"


if I understand, then everyone will figure it out. Do not hope that everyone sees the world the same way you do. Each person sees everything in his own way, including the site. Therefore, when creating, in order not to lose customers, you need to follow the basic rules of usability. Look at the created pages objectively (as if you are seeing it for the first time) and evaluate: how clear is the structure, is it easy to find information that is important for a potential client, is it quickly possible to find call-to-action buttons (call, purchase, subscription, etc.) - it is generally accepted that this should take no more than 5 seconds. If you did not meet this time, it is worth redoing something.


Content? And no matter what content! Much has been said about the fact that the content of the site should be unique. However, all the same, many do not attach any importance to this and fill the finished resource with texts that they "borrowed" from competitors. Result - your site is banned for plagiarism. In order to prevent this from filling the pages, you should think about it at the initial stage, so that you do not have an empty template hanging. And it is better to trust this business to professional copywriters: so, you will win the trust of both search engines (because the correct texts will be written), and potential customers, giving them reliable and high-quality information.


I am not in a hurry to get promoted, because there is no website yet. Many people think that you need to start promoting only when everything is ready. Oh, how wrong they are here. Because it turns out that the site hangs in vain and does not bring anything except the cost of additional content and the purchase of rental links. Promotion begins when the framework is created: a semantic core is compiled, in accordance with which the correct texts are written - internal optimization, and already with a full launch, you can begin to seize external resources. So, by the time the project is completed, you will already have the trust of search engines (unique texts are written for queries and have already been indexed) and the time for the promotion itself will eventually take several times less.

Don't forget about the marketing strategy for your business. By avoiding simple mistakes, you will ensure that your site will work for you all the time. The main thing is not to forget that the finished web resource also needs constant updating of information: you do not buy a newspaper with news a month ago. So here, you need to provide customers with information that is relevant and on time.